Tag: grammar
Engrish TV Show
Found this DVD while browsing in Taichung. It’s the Taiwanese version of the American show “Ugly Betty.” The Chinese title is [hanzi]醜女無敵[/hanzi] ([pinyin]chou3nu3wu2di2[/pinyin]), which literally means “ugly woman without equal,” denoting an exceptionally ugly woman. I presume their choice of invincible is due to a very poor dictionary. “Invincible Ugly Woman” (thanks Luuke!). Notice the…
Zoo Engrish
This Engrish picture today comes from Forumosa, a popular meeting and discussion place for expats and Taiwanese. At first it seems rather incomprehensible, but thanks to some of the Chinese speakers at Forumosa, it was quickly decoded. The first sentence means “No destruction of property.” The second sentence is really odd, but it’s just a…